Friday, December 6, 2013

And You Thought The Insurance Was Bad

While everyone screams about the five million policies cancelled so far, the would-be-hilarious-if-not-so-destructive website follies, the breathtaking costs and abysmal coverage of the government-mandated policies, and the apparent fecklessness of our healthcare-administrator-in-chief, a very important danger is going under-mentioned and under-considered.  That is the shark circling this sinking ship:  the impending economic impact of Obamacare.

As they say in the vernacular, this ain't rocket science.  If it costs five million people twice as much for their health coverage, AND they get hit with punitive deductibles in the process, what will they not be able to do as much of anymore?  That's right, spend money.  If Joe is sending an extra $500 a month to an insurance company, Joe has how many less dollars a month to spend on other goods and services?  Exactly, $500.  That's not nothing.

A bronze plan in my zip code for my family of four would be about $600 a month...  with a $12,600 deductible.  Read this carefully.  I will pay $600 each month for a plan that will require me to spend on average $1,050 a month before it helps me out with dollar one.  (And yes, this is after my "government subsidy".)

At this time, "discretionary spending" is generally a wistful "maybe someday" kind of thing in my home.  I'm not whining.  God is good, and my family's needs are always met.  But let me ask this question.  Let's say my employer dumps us on Obamacare in a year (if our competitors do it...).  I'm living within my means now, not wracking up credit cards but not having anything left over either... where exactly am I supposed to come up with a mind-bending $1,650 a month?  That's a mortgage and two car payments where I'm from.  Sometimes I get $20 from my bi-weekly paycheck as play money as things are.  Maths are hard...

Fortunately for me, I am not an individual policy purchaser, and I am in the employer mandate delay grace period right now.  (Hope springs eternal and I choose to prepare inasmuch as possible but hope that something happens to stop the train before the whole thing goes off the cliff.)  But what about the guy like me who is an individual policy purchaser?  Let's say the guy whose policy has been cancelled was already paying $600 a month for his policy.  No problem, all he has to do now is come up with another mortgage payment.  Is that a reasonable expectation?  Do we live in a day where we can reasonably expect that the average family of four has an extra $1,000 at the end of the month they don't know what to do with now?  That family is going to have to make changes and they're going to be serious changes.  Sorry kids, the cell phones and data plans are gone.  TV too, no more cable.  And that takes the internet with it, sorry about your former social life.  Guess that means we'll never be ordering anything off Amazon anymore.  We'll be cutting the car insurance to the bare minimum, but I'm sure the lizard or pig or other talking animal du jour won't mind, it's all for a good cause.  Disney World is going to have to wait until that magical time when the government starts to remember that people actually need some of that paycheck they work for.  United Way?  Sorry, not this year.  Girl Scout cookies?  Ibid.  Red Cross, Salvation Army, Susan B. Komen, American Heart Association, firefighters with the boots at the intersections, MDA Labor Day Telethon, youngsters asking for money for missions trips, sorry all.  Restaurants are off the table, pun intended.  Starbucks?  Hahahaha!!!!  Birthdays are cancelled until further notice.  401k contribution is suspended in favor of purchasing groceries and heating the house... to 60 degrees.  Getting rid of the dog, can't afford the dog food...

So now, five million or so policies have been cancelled.  The employer mandate has been delayed a year.  Ask yourself why it's been delayed a year.  If it's a good and necessary thing as we were told ad nauseam when this thing was ramrodded through Congress, do it now, right?  Let's say the current predictions are seriously overblown.  Some analysts are saying 80 to 100 million will lose their employer-provided policies when the employer mandate kicks in.  So let's say it's only half:  45 million.  That's policies, not people.  Imagine half of those are family plans.  Let's guess we're talking about 60 million people who used to have money to spend who don't anymore.  What exactly happens to our unicorn-driven economic recovery when a full 1/6 of the population suddenly stops spending money?  And what happens to all those people?

A Walk on the Wilde Side - James Taranto

One of Barack Obama's most irritating rhetorical tropes is his oft-stated aversion to "cynicism." It is vexing in substantial part because of its breathtaking and demagogic hypocrisy: Obama inveighs against cynicism in a cynical effort to manipulate the gullible, to make them feel good about their naiveté. That helps explain how he has maintained a base of support, albeit a shrinking one, as the disaster that is ObamaCare has unfolded.
In his 1892 comedy "Lady Windermere's Fan," Oscar Wilde defined a cynic as "a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." In an essay for The New Yorker's website, Margaret Talbot reveals herself to be--or poses as--the opposite of Wilde's cynic, at least when it comes to ObamaCare.

Talbot and her husband, a couple of writers, are especially hard-hit by ObamaCare. Even though she's a staff writer at The New Yorker, they don't have employer-provided coverage. At 52, she hasn't yet aged into Medicare, and apparently neither has her husband, whose age she doesn't specify. That means they buy insurance for themselves, along with their two children, in the individual marketplace.

You know what comes next: Their existing policy is "substandard," not compliant with ObamaCare's mandates. In particular, it lacks maternity care, which Talbot astutely notes is "not so useful" for a family whose only adult woman is a quinquagenarian, and vision care, which "we'd got used to not having."

Read more at the Wall Street Journal Online...

Thursday, November 14, 2013


In a weird confluence of the nation's two most pressing issues -- Obamacare and our insane immigration laws -- this week we found out that the tens of thousands of "navigators" hired by the government to enroll people in Obamacare will include convicted felons.

Despite some "navigators" having already been exposed as having arrest warrants against them, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has no plans to screen out the criminals. (But rest assured: If your identity is stolen as a result of trying to sign up for Obamacare, no one will be more upset about it than President Obama.)

Maybe it's a blessing that the Obamacare website has crashed more often than the Soviet Union's commercial air fleet did.

In addition to convicted felons, navigators are drawn from labor unions, community organizers, former ACORN staffers and front-groups for the Democratic National Committee.

Call right up and give all your private financial and medical information to those guys! What could go wrong? (Before Obamacare was even online, Minnesota's health exchange emailed the Social Security numbers and other identifying information for about 2,400 Americans to a man applying to be a "navigator.")


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Republicans, Conservatives, and the TEA Party

There's a lot of division these days on the right: RINOs, the “Republican Establishment”, libertarian conservatives and the TEA Party to name a few.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has become the poster boy for the in-your-face aspect of the RINO stripe with his notorious coziness with President Obama.  Arizona Senator John McCain should be nominated for the Oscar in the leading role as "useful idiot for the Obama administration in the category of Republican Establishment", going so far as to lash out against conservative TEA Party Republicans like Texas Senator Ted Cruz and libertarian TEA Party Republicans like Kentucky Senator Rand Paul for their conservative values, displaying his rapier wit by calling them "wacko birds".

Disagreement among conservative factions is normal and can be good when it fosters discussion that dispels ignorance.  But disagreement should never occur when it comes to our Constitutional rights.

The framers were convinced that the rights they enumerated in our founding documents were not granted by their writing or bestowed by the beneficence of government, but endowed by our Creator.  No one in their right mind wants an American theocracy.  But remove the Creator, and who exactly is it that endows us with our rights?  Our “rights” then come from government, and are reduced to privileges, to be taken away as that government sees fit.  The concept of a “right” implies objectivity; that is, a source beyond subjective opinion or decision.  Our rights are endowed by our Creator, or we don’t have any.  Those are the only two options.

Our rights are always under fire and require a vigorous defense, perhaps never more so than now.  The modern TEA Party movement gets its fuel from the Republican Party’s ineptitude in preserving conservative principles and its weakness in defending our rights.  It is comprised of libertarians, religious conservatives, non-religious conservatives, even non-conservatives who realize our government is off the rails, citizens who despite their differences revere and respect the design of the nation according to the founders.  It is the attempt to renew libertarianism and conservatism, to save the nation from the steady march of liberal progressivism.

Where we run into trouble is when the different factions want the entire movement to be according to their particular beliefs.  We need to take into account what the opposition is doing.  They are putting aside any differences they have in the effort to transform America into something it wasn’t meant to be.  To meet them head on, we have to look at the basis for our movement, and come to an understanding of the required common denominators; that without which the movement ceases to have meaning.  Here’s a short list, a starting point:

The Constitution is non-negotiable outside the framework of the legal means of changing it – We must stand firm against the opposition’s onslaught against our Constitutional rights, and any infringement from our side as well.

Government within its bounds – We must support the federal government in its enumerated responsibilities, and we must resist its encroachment in any other area.  The federal government is already far outside its prescription, destroying personal freedom at an alarming rate.  The tenth amendment should be the guiding principle of our government.  Instead it’s the most ignored.

Fiscal responsibility – We must work to stop government standing in the way of economic growth and stop it from spending the future.  The first term of the current administration has taught us that the mere threat of government interference can freeze an economy and squeeze the ability to recover from recession out of it.  And with debt now passing $17 trillion, far too much of government revenue for the foreseeable future will be spent on simply servicing the debt rather than doing anything positive.

Retaining the deference to the Creator – Controversial yes, but crucial. From the Declaration of Independence:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  Without the Creator there are no rights; there is no objective source to which to appeal.  Without an objective source, there is only the subjective, and what we have are privileges granted at the pleasure of government.  You don’t have to be a religious person, but if you will not support the idea of the Creator, you have nothing to which appeal for the rights you claim to have.

Where we go wrong on the right is that we so often arrange our infantry in circles.  Our opposition never does this.  One could perhaps rightfully say, “That’s because we have convictions and they don’t.”  But if we don’t soon find a way to put aside our lesser differences and work together to stop the onslaught, the discussion will be academic.

Is There a Way Out? - Walter E. Williams

According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

Between two-thirds and three-quarters of federal spending, in contravention of the U.S. Constitution, can be described as Congress taking the earnings or property of one American to give to another, to whom it does not belong. You say, "Williams, what do you mean?" Congress has no resources of its very own. Moreover, there's no Santa Claus or tooth fairy who gives it resources. The fact that Congress has no resources of its very own forces us to recognize that the only way Congress can give one American one dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- confiscate that dollar from some other American through the tax code.

If any American did privately what Congress does publicly, he'd be condemned as an ordinary thief. Taking what belongs to one American to give to another is theft, and the receiver is a recipient of stolen property. Most Americans would suffer considerable anguish and cognitive dissonance seeing themselves as recipients of stolen property, so congressional theft has to be euphemized and given a respectable name. That respectable name is "entitlement." Merriam-Webster defines entitlement as "the condition of having a right to have, do, or get something." For example, I am entitled to walk into the house that I own. I am entitled to drive the car that I own. The challenging question is whether I am also entitled to what you or some other American owns.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sufficient Reason - Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile

(Every so often you run into something and find yourself thinking, "THIS is exactly what I've been trying to say, man I wish I'd written this!"  This is one of those...)

Now before I waste too much of your time, let’s establish who I’m talking to.  If you believe that we live in an evil, imperialist nation from its founding, and you believe that it should be “fundamentally transformed”, lend me your ears.  If you believe that the free market is the source of the vast majority of society’s ills and wish to have more government intervention into it, I’m talking to you.  If you believe that health care is a basic human right and that government should provide it to everyone, you’re the guy I’m screaming at.  If you think minorities cannot possibly survive in this inherently racist country without handouts and government mandated diversity quotas, you’re my guy.  If you believe that rich people are that way because they’ve exploited their workers and acquired wealth on the backs of the poor, keep reading.  Pretty much, if you trust government more than your fellow American, this post is for you.

Read The Rest Of The Awesomeness by Jeremy N. Choate

Thursday, October 24, 2013

“Mr. President, I’m Leaving The Medical Field”: Hanging Up The White Coat: A Letter To President Obama | Ben Swann Truth In Media

"I remember the day Obamacare became law. I was sitting in the hospital working in the anesthesia department part-time to cover the costs of tuition. Dr. Alfery, a mentor of mine, looked over at me and said, “Run– It’s not too late to change majors.”"

Read more

Friday, July 26, 2013

Do You Have An American Size?

Dear New CEO of JCPenney,

Against my better judgment, I entered your store for the first time tonight. Turns out my better judgment was right. I went in looking for a sport jacket and came out with the desire to open a clothing store just because a wombat with a small business loan and a pencil could compete with what I just experienced.

First of all, as I approached the store, there was music blaring from speakers that the front door that screams, "If you don't spend your free time at coffee shops ordering beverages with longer names than Spanish monarchs talking about what losers people who don't hang out at coffee shops drinking fluffy half skim tuxedo caramel sprinkle mochas are you're not welcome here." But my wife said I should be able to find something here, so I gritted my teeth and opened the door. The music was louder in the entry way, but hey, I had momentum and how bad could it be, right?

As I broke into the store proper, my mind simply froze. I was assaulted by a combination of brightness and color one might expect if a lighting store and a sherbet factory were watching a Cheech and Chong movie and got a little too groovy, if you're picking up what I'm laying down... I was literally so disoriented that I couldn't figure out what to do and I simply stopped and stood there looking around. There were no useful signs, no indication of what might be where, just more bad music, bright lights and feminine colors.

With no more useful idea of what to do other than that standing still would make me look like even more of an idiot than I already felt, I began walking. Forward. There was no point in turning because THERE ARE NO SIGNS. Or if there are, the visual noise was so intense that I did not even see them. Same difference. As I'm walking, it slowly dawns on me that I must be moving in generally the "correct" direction as I'm beginning to see posters and pictures of muscular men wearing next to nothing, which seems fairly odd since it's a clothing store not a naked man store. Anyway, I assume that's how you identify the men's department now.

After walking in a few frustrated circles, I found my way out of the melon-vomit-colored purgatory into which I'd wandered and into the section I was looking for, where there were suits and such. Most of them were shiny, and nearly all of them had tags on them that said "slim fit". And all of them are apparently made in Vietnam now.

I like Vietnam. It has trees, and food, and people, and things. I imagine it's a great place. It's also a near certainty that there are not people there who look like me. I can't even get my ARMS in their jackets. (Even their biggest, a 48" jacket, I could have easily ripped like The Hulk.) And apparently they can't envision anyone as fat as me, as the sizes seem to end about 4" smaller than would look less than entirely ridiculous on me. You'd think the American JCP buyers would have told them Americans are fat.

So, Mr. New CEO of JCPenney, who took over from the CEO of JCPenney who was hired from Apple and tried to turn the store into an Apple store and nearly bankrupted it... I have a question for you: who on God's green earth is your target demographic? 22 year old women and metros? Are you trying to finish the job the Applebot started? Because that's what your store looks like. And that's what your selection looks like. You missed a sale tonight and a return customer later because your inventory would only fit men from third world countries. I like men from third world countries, God made them too. BUT WE'RE NOT THEM. I hate to be Lieutenant Commander Obvious here, but since when is marketing to a wafer thin slice of the population around your store a wise business model? I am a rodeo clown as retail goes (and many other things, before anyone volunteers), but I am CERTAIN I could open a store to compete with yours and beat it on the store-to-store sales level. You know how? By having clothes that a) look at least MILDLY similar to the clothes that people there ACTUALLY WEAR and b) by having sizes that actually fit those people and c) by not assaulting people with music you'd never hear outside a Starbucks run by a tone-deaf person. In case the social engineers you hired to develop your pretentiously avant garde and insanely stupid business model aren't aware, if I can't find anything that looks less than utterly ridiculous and oh, maybe FITS ME in your store, guess what I'm not doing? You think about that, I'll wait...

Good luck with your whatever it is you're doing. I won't be back.

Big fat American buying clothes somewhere else

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eric Holder Thinks You're An Idiot

Stand Your Ground laws had exactly ZERO impact on the Zimmerman case; there's little opportunity to retreat when someone is on you smashing your head into the ground.  Holder is trying to link the idea of self-defense (which one side would argue is what TRAYVON MARTIN was doing when was trying to kill George Zimmerman) with gun control as though self-defense is what gets people killed.  No, the NEED for self-defense is what gets OFFENDERS killed.  It is an insane society indeed where we even have to argue for stand your ground.  It should be obvious and not NEED to be legislated.

I see no duty to retreat; I have the God-given right to defend myself and my family.  YOU have a duty under the law not to attack my family or break and enter my home and force me to make split-second interpretations of your intentions.  (Sorry pal, I'm not waiting to see if you're just a nice guy who thinks he needs my TV.)  If you do not do YOUR duty UNDER THE LAW not to threaten me and my family, don't expect me to be warm to the idea that I have a duty to let you get away with it at the expense of my family.  If you think your "needs" trump mine, why then act surprised if I feel the same way?  Do us both a favor don't commit a crime involving putting my family in danger.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fighting Not To Lose

To twist a tired meme from Afghanistan, you can win the hearts and minds of the people and still lose the war.  Just like the strategy our military was saddled with over there, we on the right don't fight to win, we "fight" not to lose.  Once you're doing that, you've already lost.  

In a discussion earlier today, I expressed what some might call pessimism, I simply see it as realism.  Conservatism is losing.  The other party responded with a Rasmussen poll showing that support for conservative viewpoints is actually increasing not decreasing.  The problem is that it hardly matters who supports what anymore because we have an imperial government ruling over us now instead of the representative government we are supposed to have.  None of the three branches of our government gives a whit what the majority thinks anymore.  The Constitution = Cottonelle to our glorious leaders these days.  So where's the win? 

I hate to be so negative, but I honestly don't see a turnaround on the horizon.  I sincerely believe that had the 2012 election been clean, Obama would have lost.  (I know that makes me the kook fringe in the eyes of many.  Whatever.)  I believe that Congress is so corrupted now that without literally flushing the entire thing and replacing it, any new blood is immediately corrupted.  Take Ryan and Rubio for primary examples.  A monkey's rear-end knows that illegal aliens aren't going to vote for Republicans in numbers sufficient to offset the effect of granting amnesty on the base.  And yet the Republicans join el gang de ocho, line up the circular firing squad and have at the base.  Again.

Until the day that the right goes on offense, and in a big way, we are done.  And I think we're really close to the point of no return, if we're not already past it.  A small fringe minority is remaking America while the majority of us is out here going, "Wow, this sucks", and that's about it.  I don't honestly know what we CAN do to get things turned around.  But what we're doing isn't working and it's not going to work.  Quit dreaming about polls and percentages.  How do we fix this?

Friday, June 7, 2013

COMMON CORE: "Common Core" or "Rotten to the Core" - You Decide

Common Core is an educational curriculum being forced upon the states by the Obama administration, which is scheduled to be mostly implemented this year in the 46 states that have adopted it. Common Core eliminates local control over K-12 curriculum in math and English, instead imposing a one-size-fits-all, top-down curriculum that will also apply to private schools and homeschoolers.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Scandalpaloozagate Fatigue

Oh, he's really stepped in it this time, hasn't he?  Benghazi won't go away, the IRS turns out to be as partisan as the mainstream media, Obamacare is bankrupt before it's even implemented and the Department of Justice is abusing it's power so badly (AP investigation among so many other things) that it's likely they wouldn't know "justice" if they fell in it.  Not to mention Smokin' Jay Carney's Prevarication-O-Meter is ticking over so fast the US Debt Clock website is thinking of filing an infringement lawsuit.

Poor President Obama, what's he going to do now?  How's he going to get out of this?  His second term agenda is in danger and the evil Republicans could sweep the 2014 mid-terms if something doesn't happen soon!

Your assumption is all wrong.  This is exactly what he wants.  Your homework assignment:  Figure out why. I'm not doing it for you, and if you'd been listening the past 5 years you'd know already.  If you don't know, shame on you and get to work.  It's really close to being too late.

Here are some hints (and yes, I know they look totally unrelated)...

Remember the things that were huge right before Scandalpaloozagate?  Like gun control, for instance?  What's going on with that?  "They lost", you say.  Wrong.  They never lose.  This crowd does not lose, even though sometimes it may look like it.

Oh, and how about the serial killer Kermit Gosnell murdering uncounted children under the auspices of the Hypocratic Oath by calling himself a women's health provider?  Making Molech proud, one savage and light-hearted killing at a time.  Do you think that got the attention it warranted, both from the media and from the government?  (Did you know there's another one in Houston, and at this point he sounds as bad or worse?  Is it possible that this isn't as much the exception to the rule as we're led to believe?)

What about the fact that the economy simply will not improve no matter how much time it's given?  Even with huge numbers of people giving up looking for work and/or going on disability, the unemployment number barely moves.  Weird that.  It's almost like there's something gumming up the works.

It's big picture time.  And that's the biggest hint I'm going to give.

What's going on here and what's about to happen?

Friday, March 15, 2013

New Report: Global Temperature Standstill Is Real | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

Date: 15/03/13

London,  15 March: A new report written by Dr David Whitehouse and published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation concludes that there has been no statistically significant increase in annual global temperatures since 1997.
After reviewing the scientific literature the report concludes that the standstill is an empirical fact and a reality that challenges current climate models. During the time that the Earth’s global temperature has remained static the atmospheric composition of carbon dioxide has increased from 370 to 390 ppm.
“The standstill is a reality and is not the result of cherry-picking start and end points. Its commencement can be seen clearly in the data, and it continues to this day,” said Dr David Whitehouse, the author of the new report.
The report shows that the temperature standstill has been a much discussed topic in peer-reviewed scientific literature for years, but that this scientific debate has neither been followed by most of the media, nor acknowledged by climate campaigners, scientific societies and prominent scientists.
The report also surveys how those few journalists who have looked at the issue have been reporting the standstill, with many far too ready to dismiss it or lacking a sense of journalistic inquiry, preferring to report squabbles rather than the science.
”If the standstill continues for a few more years it will mean that no one who has just reached adulthood, or younger, will have witnessed the Earth get warmer during their lifetime,” said the report’s author, Dr David Whitehouse.
In his foreword, Lord Turnbull, former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service, commented:
“Dr Whitehouse is a man who deserves to be listened to. He has consistently followed an approach of examining observations rather than projections of large scale computer models, which are too often cited as ‘evidence’. He looks dispassionately at the data, trying to establish what message it tells us, rather than using it to confirm a pre-held view.”
Full report here

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Thinker: Dennis Rodman, Obama's Madeleine Albright

March 5, 2013

Dennis Rodman, Obama's Madeleine Albright

Daren Jonescu

My Minnesota pals Guy Green and Tony Bauer recently included me in an e-mail exchange regarding Dennis Rodman's edition of the Jane Fonda Communist Workout featuring North Korea's new favorite son (of god), Kim Jong-Un.   This little incident, which in itself ranks up there on the sanity scale with Maxine Waters' warning of 170,000,000 Americans losing their jobs due to the sequester, is nevertheless a timely reminder of just how power-mad progressives really are, and how thoroughly their power-madness obliterates any notions of conscience or decency.

Read more: 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

American Thinker: Is the U.S. Clinically Insane?

"ObamaCare is replicating the British NHS here. The president certainly can't want Americans to die.  Thus, he must be insane: he is doing the same thing (as elsewhere) and thinking that the result will be different."

Read more... by 
Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why I Don't Read The Huffington Post

Ok, so someone accused me of only reading conservative news sources, and they were correct.  Shame on me.  Not really, because I hate it when my head explodes and makes a mess.  So just to be cool about it, I thought I'd go to the Huffington Post and read some headlines and see if I could handle it.  Here's what I came up with before I ran screaming like a little girl.

What The 2012 Election Would Look Like Under The Republicans' Vote-Rigging Plan -- This fascinating expose of the horror of the evylle Republican plan shines the disinfectant sunlight on their machination to have electoral college votes allocated by Congressional district rather than by state.  Yeah, I know, huh?  That gives an unfair advantage to the Republicans!  Because there are more districts that vote Republican... hmm. Wait.  That means that it would be technically more fair and more representative of the American people that way, wouldn't it?  And it means that it's the Democrats who now have the unfair advantage, taking presidential elections they shouldn't...

‘Ultraconservative Utopia' Would Include Drug Testing The Poor & Unemployed -- Rather than even try to describe it, I'll just past in the first block from this riveting write-up on what the dastardly conservatives are up to in Kansas:  
Lawmakers seeking to abolish income taxes and stymie unions in Kansas think it might also be worthwhile to make the poor and unemployed pee in cups to prove they're not wasting taxpayer money on drugs.
Why those evil so-and-sos!  Are you telling me that they think that for someone to qualify for public assistance that comes out of the taxpayer's pocket, they should have to prove that they're not wasting that largesse buying drugs?!?  You have to be...  wait...  that kind of makes sense, doesn't it?  I mean, maybe if you weren't buying drugs and stoning your life away you could be more productive, or at least need less assistance?

Ok, I will admit, there seem to be a few conservative voices on the Huffington Post.  They seem oddly out of place, like a really short guy in a crowd jumping up and down waving his arms frantically.  But there's also some real great stuff too, like this global warming blog post from climate scientist Al Gore:

The Future -- Right, that Al Gore, the one who just sold his failed television network to Al-Jazeera, the media arm of the Qatar government, one of the great oil producers of the world.  You know what I like about Al Gore?  His tremendous chutzpah.  Not much else, but hey, that should be enough, right?

You know what?  I think I remember now why I don't bother much with leftist news sources.  There's a whole lot more baloney out there than beef...