To twist a tired meme from Afghanistan, you can win the hearts and minds of the people and still lose the war. Just like the strategy our military was saddled with over there, we on the right don't fight to win, we "fight" not to lose. Once you're doing that, you've already lost.
In a discussion earlier today, I expressed what some might call pessimism, I simply see it as realism. Conservatism is losing. The other party responded with a Rasmussen poll showing that support for conservative viewpoints is actually increasing not decreasing. The problem is that it hardly matters who supports what anymore because we have an imperial government ruling over us now instead of the representative government we are supposed to have. None of the three branches of our government gives a whit what the majority thinks anymore. The Constitution = Cottonelle to our glorious leaders these days. So where's the win?
I hate to be so negative, but I honestly don't see a turnaround on the horizon. I sincerely believe that had the 2012 election been clean, Obama would have lost. (I know that makes me the kook fringe in the eyes of many. Whatever.) I believe that Congress is so corrupted now that without literally flushing the entire thing and replacing it, any new blood is immediately corrupted. Take Ryan and Rubio for primary examples. A monkey's rear-end knows that illegal aliens aren't going to vote for Republicans in numbers sufficient to offset the effect of granting amnesty on the base. And yet the Republicans join el gang de ocho, line up the circular firing squad and have at the base. Again.
Until the day that the right goes on offense, and in a big way, we are done. And I think we're really close to the point of no return, if we're not already past it. A small fringe minority is remaking America while the majority of us is out here going, "Wow, this sucks", and that's about it. I don't honestly know what we CAN do to get things turned around. But what we're doing isn't working and it's not going to work. Quit dreaming about polls and percentages. How do we fix this?
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