Ok, so someone accused me of only reading conservative news sources, and they were correct. Shame on me. Not really, because I hate it when my head explodes and makes a mess. So just to be cool about it, I thought I'd go to the Huffington Post and read some headlines and see if I could handle it. Here's what I came up with before I ran screaming like a little girl.
What The 2012 Election Would Look Like Under The Republicans' Vote-Rigging Plan -- This fascinating expose of the horror of the evylle Republican plan shines the disinfectant sunlight on their machination to have electoral college votes allocated by Congressional district rather than by state. Yeah, I know, huh? That gives an unfair advantage to the Republicans! Because there are more districts that vote Republican... hmm. Wait. That means that it would be technically more fair and more representative of the American people that way, wouldn't it? And it means that it's the Democrats who now have the unfair advantage, taking presidential elections they shouldn't...
‘Ultraconservative Utopia' Would Include Drug Testing The Poor & Unemployed -- Rather than even try to describe it, I'll just past in the first block from this riveting write-up on what the dastardly conservatives are up to in Kansas:
Lawmakers seeking to abolish income taxes and stymie unions in Kansas think it might also be worthwhile to make the poor and unemployed pee in cups to prove they're not wasting taxpayer money on drugs.
Why those evil so-and-sos! Are you telling me that they think that for someone to qualify for public assistance that comes out of the taxpayer's pocket, they should have to prove that they're not wasting that largesse buying drugs?!? You have to be... wait... that kind of makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, maybe if you weren't buying drugs and stoning your life away you could be more productive, or at least need less assistance?
Ok, I will admit, there seem to be a few conservative voices on the Huffington Post. They seem oddly out of place, like a really short guy in a crowd jumping up and down waving his arms frantically. But there's also some real great stuff too, like this global warming blog post from climate scientist Al Gore:
The Future -- Right, that Al Gore, the one who just sold his failed television network to Al-Jazeera, the media arm of the Qatar government, one of the great oil producers of the world. You know what I like about Al Gore? His tremendous chutzpah. Not much else, but hey, that should be enough, right?
You know what? I think I remember now why I don't bother much with leftist news sources. There's a whole lot more baloney out there than beef...
Having congressional districts determine the President wouldn't be more fair and representative because they would have elected Romney, probably. That's not more fair because Obama won using the original system (set up by the founding fathers) and he won using the popular vote. He won using the ultimate "fair" way, and he won using the traditional way, so any system that results in him losing is unfair. Plus, the Republicans determined the current congressional districts to work to their advantage (as the Democrats have done in the past), so that would give them an obvious advantage, which would change in a few years when the Democrats have more power in local legislatures. Also, if you're against fundamentally changing America, then you should be against changing the way we elect our President. The system is fundamental to who our founding fathers wanted us to be. Also, Gore would have won in '00 using the popular vote system, and Obama still would have been elected and re-elected.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your choice of the Huffington Post is a poor one. I don't use it as a serious news source, though sometimes they post worthy things. Use the Economist, which is violently centrist (pro free trade, pro-market, socially progressive), the New York Times, the Washington Post, or any news source that people have actually heard of. Historic news companies have earned their reputation and there's usually a good reason why they're so well-known. TV networks, not so much.