Thursday, July 12, 2012

What I Miss About America

By Stella Paul at American Thinker.

Here are just a few of the things I miss since America entered the golden age of Hope and Change in January 2009.

  1. Optimism
  2. Going for minutes, hours, even days, without worrying about what weird insanity the government is dreaming up next
  3. Having money
  4. The Border Patrol
  5. Looking up at the moon and thinking, "America - we own space!"
  6. Having a president whose background isn't more closely guarded than the formula for Coke
  7. Going on vacation without the TSA auditioning me for "Stella Does Dallas"
  8. Jobs
  9. Not feeling like I have to whisper, if I say something that's not completely, 100% complimentary about our president
  10. Listening to the latest rant against Israel at the UN, without wondering if it's coming from the American Ambassador
  11. Feeling protected
  12. Having a president who doesn't want to fundamentally transform me
  13. Getting a doctor's appointment right away and not thinking, "That was nice while it lasted."
  14. Having a president who would never, ever bow to the Saudi king, the Chinese premier, the Japanese prime minister and the mayor of Tampa
  15. Gazing up at the sky and not wondering if that's a bird or a drone
  16. Snacking on whatever I want, while the First Lady remains calm and indifferent
  17. Having a president who thinks it would be unimaginably crazy to bring the 9/11 conspirators to New York for a civil trial
  18. Privacy
  19. Separation of State and Media
  20. College graduates with a future in America, not China or Hong Kong
  21. Having a president who inspires us to feel that Americans are all in this game together
  22. A dollar that's worth 100 cents and isn't signed by a tax cheat
  23. America's Triple-A rating
  24. Having a president who doesn't seem needier for attention than Paris Hilton
  25. Strolling through the mall without worrying about racially-motivated flash mobs
  26. Looking at maps without trying to figure out where I can run
  27. Reading 1984 as an interesting work of fiction
  28. Dignity
  29. Pride

What do you miss?

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