One would think by now that Americans would get what's going on. Recent polls, however, continue to show a startlingly high incidence of "head in sand syndrome". So it's time to spell it out. This won't take long, but please pay attention if you're one of the ones who still plans to vote to re-elect the president who makes Carter look good.
I'll be honest up front; if you're on the government dole, part of that rapidly growing demographic being built to ensure Democrats are elected until the soon-to-come day when America swirls down the pipe, this isn't for you. Stop reading now, because there's about a 1% chance you may end up feeling guilty and I wouldn't want that to happen. Oh, who am I kidding? Hahaha!
Maybe today, maybe within the next couple of days, comes "Tax Day" or "Cost of Government Day". Do you know what that is? It's the day where those of us who actually pay federal income taxes (all 51% of us who aren't the recipients of the redistribution of our earnings) finally get done paying for the cost of government, get done paying for other people and their families and begin to earn money to take care of our own families. That's right, if you're one of the privileged to actually pay federal income taxes in this country anymore, you work until some time in July for the great social experiment's entitlement society and the cost of continually growing government. Less than half of your income, around 45% maybe, do you get to keep. (FWIW, the founding fathers had a word for what to do in a situation like this, it was "revolution".)
But hey, it's for a good cause, right? I mean, Congress needs Cadillac health plans, right? The president and his wife should live like royalty in America, playing over a hundred rounds of golf while Rome burns, spending millions on every whim, eating lobster everywhere they go, right? We absolutely need to be nation-building in the quagmire of a so-called country whose impossibility had a great part in the demise of the Soviet Union, right? And by all means, we should be maintaining an annual $1.3T deficit, never passing a responsible budget, spending obscene sums of money on only government knows what, growing our debt by completely unpayable amounts of money every year just for the sake of, well, I don't know, do you?
Now I know, my intended audience isn't reading this. If they did, it wouldn't matter, because the last few sentences would have sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher... Wa wa wa wa wa... The people who are the problem only seem to hear one thing: "free stuff". The government is going to give me free stuff. Like free healthcare. And free checks for doing nothing but sitting around and watching Oprah or worse. They only hear things like "fair share", "tax the rich", "Bush tax cuts", "capitalism has failed", etc. Ok, let's talk about a few of those then.
Fair share. So, you pay nothing or close to it and I pay 65% of my income. I have an idea. How about we ALL pay 65% of our income as long as those of us who actually pay income taxes have to? How about YOU start paying your fair share? Sounds great, right? No? Then what makes you think it's "fair" for us to pay YOUR share?!?
Tax the rich. Really? Tell me you're not that ignorant. Wealth is not taxed in America, INCOME is. Who earns income? Wage earners and businesses. So your great plan for getting America out of the insane mess we're in is to tax into oblivion the people who create the jobs and the people who buy the products and services that keep those companies going? What exactly DO they teach in the public schools anymore? Aside from stuff that really should be taught by parents anyway, that is? The rich in America won't even notice what your pet socialist government is doing because THEY are the rich and THEY will make sure that THEY are not affected. THEY will never tax "wealth", THEY will simply continue to target income because people who actually earn money don't vote for THEM anyway. Get it?
Bush tax cuts. Um, if they've been around for a decade, we probably ought to be calling them standard tax rates and making them permanent. Because anything you do now that involves letting any part of them expire, including the president's brain cramped idea of extending them only for "the middle class" amounts to a tax INCREASE and even the smartest man in the world said himself not so long ago that you never raise taxes in a recession. And if you don't think we're in a recession, maybe you should watch less Oprah and get out there and have a look around. Of course, if you're like him and you think that adjusting the workforce numbers so that you can fake an unemployment number of 8.2% means the recession is over, then yeah, I guess maybe it may be time to raise taxes. (Real unemployment, by the measuring standard used during the Bush administration, is still over 10%.)
Capitalism has failed. I love this one. The government meddles in the free markets to the point where it's a conflicting mess of instruction like the ones that made HAL go insane in "2001: A Space Odyssey" and then blame the failure on capitalism. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (hey, there's Carter again!) demanded that banks make loans to lower income and inner city entities who banks would normally see as bad risk. (Yeah, this is the part where you yell "RACIST!" Go ahead, it's ok, I'll wait. There, feel better?) Now could there have been some banks who were being unfair? Sure. But you know what's cool about capitalism in its un-government-adulterated form? You can just go try another bank. Now, if ALL the banks laugh when you ask for $300,000 and you make, um, burritos at a certain fast-food pseudo-Mexican joint, well, maybe they're not being racist, maybe they think you can't make enough burritos to possibly pay off that loan. So why should they give it to you? I mean, I ended up with a fairly small house knowing the bank wouldn't think I was a reasonable risk for a half-million dollar lake-front mansion, does that make them anti-white-people too? (Or maybe it's that I look vaguely Hispanic...) Here's the key: I didn't try to take out a loan I knew I couldn't pay. So the banks had instructions to make bad loans, all these bad loans on the books, AND instructions not to have bad loans on the books. Is it any wonder they did what they did? What else were they supposed to do?
Free healthcare. This one may be the best of all. Think about this. Is anything free, or doesn't someone always end up paying for it? You realize that it is entirely possible to destroy the system by putting too heavy a burden on it, right? I won't spell this one out, I'll let it be a surprise. And believe me, if you think the Affordable Care Act was a good thing, then you sure are going to be surprised! But here's a hint. No one writes a 2,000 page bill and then rushes it through claiming "you have to pass it to see what in it" if it's a good thing. If it's a good thing, you tell people what's in it and they beg for it. When people find out what's in this thing they're going to beg for forgiveness for supporting the whole mess.
Here's the bottom line. Moral constraints aside, a vote to re-elect is a vote for the end of America. It's a vote for crippling taxes for earners, class warfare for everyone, huge socialistic government and a regulatory nightmare that makes entrepreneurs and corporations (you know, the employers) throw up their hands and leave the country. (You'd think by now that even leftists would realize that more jobs means more revenue to spend on their crazy ideas.) Now, if that's what you want, and you feel strongly about it, then technically I applaud you for standing up for your beliefs, especially because success to you includes your own personal destruction and you realize this and embrace it. Sort of like how everyone who claims that euthanasia is a good idea should eventually commit suicide for the greater good. If you're a proponent of euthanasia but think YOU should live to die of natural causes no matter how old you get, we have a word for that: hypocrite. Likewise, if you're voting for the destruction of America because you think it should be destroyed and you should go down with it, then good for you. But if it's just that you're too ignorant, uninformed or generally thought-less to realize that this man is a destroyer, then shame on you. You are responsible for your vote, it's not something "cool" that you do on a whim. If you're voting because you think it's about time America had a black president, well, been there done that got the $5 trillion dollar t-shirt, let it go. America is over the racism thing, we elected a black president, now it's time to move on and elect someone whose agenda does not include the relegation of America to the garbage heap of history. It's time to move on and elect someone whose agenda doesn't include taking what the earners earn and giving it to the non-earners for no other reason than simply to buy their votes with our money for future elections.
So Happy Cost Of Government Day, America. There's no 1% and 99%. They'd love you to buy that lie. It's 51% and 49%. 51% of us pay for everything. 49% pay no federal income tax at all, and actually receive "rebate" checks. Yeah, from the 51%. Because of the jokers we elect. And when that number flips the middle, and there are more not paying than paying, it's over.
When they talk about taxing the rich, they're talking about YOU. Get it?
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