Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. He's turning OBL into the Jihadi Elvis. Al Qaeda refuses to believe he's dead and the Pakistanis are now saying the whole thing was a staged stunt and OBL wasn't there. The people who need to know he's dead are watching Obama turn him into a legend. There's a big difference between claiming victory and proving it. We've done nothing so far but claimed we've killed OBL.
Do I believe we did it? Yes, but only because I believe BHO wants to get re-elected too badly to chance OBL popping back up around election time. But Al Qaeda doesn't know that.
The victims of 911, the troops who have died in these wars and all of their families bought those photos with their blood and tears over the past decade. I don't think BHO has any right to decide that the survivors and families don't get to see them just because we might upset people who should be glad we got rid of this cancer in their midst, and I think it is most arrogant of him to think he does.
I'm beginning to think that by the time this is all over the president will be giving up those SEALS to an international court to be tried for war crimes. I know they're saying that the order was kill or capture. But capture would have meant a huge mess, a la AG Eric Holder criminal trials in NYC, etc. It would make more sense that the order was to kill on site. And so I begin to wonder if there's something about those photos they won't release that proves it...
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