Several months ago, populist uprisings began in Tunisia and Egypt, and quickly spread through the middle east. The ignorati in left-wing American politics and media immediately sprang forward to hail this activity as a yearning for democracy that we should support wholeheartedly. Had they been correct, I would agree; a true push for democracy in the form of representative government is something the United States should support by default. However, this is not that.
It's at the same time fascinating and terrifying how ignorant, willfully or otherwise, the American left is on the entire concept of Islam as it exists in the places where these uprisings are occuring. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton nearly tripped over themselves to come out in support of these "democratic uprisings" early on. When I saw that, I knew it was time to start digging. As snarky as it may sound, it's only taken two short years to come to understand that whatever those two say is good is going to be very bad... and I'm now more convinced than before.
Americans in general are unaware of the differences between a representative republic form of government, democracy, and the basic concept of freedom. I am convinced that asked to explain any or all of them, most Americans would fail miserably. Freedom is good, democracy is good, we should want those, right? Is there a difference between a people fighting for freedom from a particular form of government and people fighting for a democratic form of government? Is there a difference between a people fighting for democratic reforms and for a democratic form of government? Why is it that no one is even mentioning the idea of representative government?
What the American left completely swings and misses on is that the mindset of the actual people doing the fighting makes all the difference. There is a light-year of difference between westerners fighting for freedom from oppression and Muslim populations fighting for freedom from secular or semi-secular dictatorships like Assad of Syria, Mubarak of Egypt and Gaddafi of Libya. Yes, these people are fighting for freedom on the face of it. But freedom to do exactly what?
The people in the middle east are not fighting for freedom in the vague "I get to do whatever I want" sense in which Americans understand it. The people in the middle east are fighting for the right to self-determination. Sounds good so far. Remember, it depends on the mindset of the people. These people want to be able to vote... to implement Islamic Sharia law.
I urge you to take some time and learn about Islam and Sharia. Look up the word "taqiyya". Learn the mindset and understand a few things. Fundamentalist Islam sees Israel as the "Little Satan", and you see how exercised they get about Israel. Well, they see the United States as the "Great Satan". Should we think that would change if they somehow actually managed to conquer Israel? Islam expects its adherents to take over the entire world, by the sword if necessary. Look up the history of Cordoba, Spain as regards what they did when they conquered it, where they built their mosque. Consider that they want to build a mosque called Cordoba House at Ground Zero. Why is that so important? Why do dogs urinate on every tree they can? These guys are laughing at us, and if we don't wise up, they'll win before most of us realize anything's wrong.
There have already been several court cases in the United States where judges have ruled in favor of allowing Muslims to be adjudicated according to Sharia law. The drive has begun to try to implement Sharia law in communities in the US. There's likely never going to be another big attack, or even a war we can fight with weapons. They've learned that we are morally weak and soft as a nation. We are so politically correct that we would rather be shot than take a chance on offending anyone. That, not losing a major war, will likely be the end of this nation as we know it.
Islam is much more than a religion, but our government and media act as though it is simply another religion on par with Judaism and Christianity. It is not. It is a form of government and it demands that its adherents institute that form of government as soon as they have the ability. Three years ago I would have said that ability was at least decades away in America, if it was possible at all. With this new administration, all bets are off. If Obama is re-elected, he would have nothing to lose in his second term and God only knows what could happen. I don't suggest that Obama is a Muslim, not a real one anyway. He may fancy himself one in some "I was born into it" kind of sense. At the very least he is far more sympathetic in his actions to Islam than to his professed Christianity, which he continually belies by using an unbroken string of misinterpretations of Scripture to support non-Christian positions. I think he's a Muslim "wannabe". And that's scary, because a wannabe tends to open doors to things he only thinks he understands, like supporting this revolution in the middle east that will only end with the United States having more enemies there than ever before.
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