Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eric Holder Thinks You're An Idiot

Stand Your Ground laws had exactly ZERO impact on the Zimmerman case; there's little opportunity to retreat when someone is on you smashing your head into the ground.  Holder is trying to link the idea of self-defense (which one side would argue is what TRAYVON MARTIN was doing when was trying to kill George Zimmerman) with gun control as though self-defense is what gets people killed.  No, the NEED for self-defense is what gets OFFENDERS killed.  It is an insane society indeed where we even have to argue for stand your ground.  It should be obvious and not NEED to be legislated.

I see no duty to retreat; I have the God-given right to defend myself and my family.  YOU have a duty under the law not to attack my family or break and enter my home and force me to make split-second interpretations of your intentions.  (Sorry pal, I'm not waiting to see if you're just a nice guy who thinks he needs my TV.)  If you do not do YOUR duty UNDER THE LAW not to threaten me and my family, don't expect me to be warm to the idea that I have a duty to let you get away with it at the expense of my family.  If you think your "needs" trump mine, why then act surprised if I feel the same way?  Do us both a favor don't commit a crime involving putting my family in danger.


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