Oh, he's really stepped in it this time, hasn't he? Benghazi won't go away, the IRS turns out to be as partisan as the mainstream media, Obamacare is bankrupt before it's even implemented and the Department of Justice is abusing it's power so badly (AP investigation among so many other things) that it's likely they wouldn't know "justice" if they fell in it. Not to mention Smokin' Jay Carney's Prevarication-O-Meter is ticking over so fast the US Debt Clock website is thinking of filing an infringement lawsuit.
Poor President Obama, what's he going to do now? How's he going to get out of this? His second term agenda is in danger and the evil Republicans could sweep the 2014 mid-terms if something doesn't happen soon!
Your assumption is all wrong. This is exactly what he wants. Your homework assignment: Figure out why. I'm not doing it for you, and if you'd been listening the past 5 years you'd know already. If you don't know, shame on you and get to work. It's really close to being too late.
Here are some hints (and yes, I know they look totally unrelated)...
Remember the things that were huge right before Scandalpaloozagate? Like gun control, for instance? What's going on with that? "They lost", you say. Wrong. They never lose. This crowd does not lose, even though sometimes it may look like it.
Oh, and how about the serial killer Kermit Gosnell murdering uncounted children under the auspices of the Hypocratic Oath by calling himself a women's health provider? Making Molech proud, one savage and light-hearted killing at a time. Do you think that got the attention it warranted, both from the media and from the government? (Did you know there's another one in Houston, and at this point he sounds as bad or worse? Is it possible that this isn't as much the exception to the rule as we're led to believe?)
What about the fact that the economy simply will not improve no matter how much time it's given? Even with huge numbers of people giving up looking for work and/or going on disability, the unemployment number barely moves. Weird that. It's almost like there's something gumming up the works.
It's big picture time. And that's the biggest hint I'm going to give.
What's going on here and what's about to happen?